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How much is 1 Binance coin in USDC?

1 Binance Coin is currently worth249.16 USDC. This means that you can convert 1 Binance Coin into 249.16 USDC at the current BNB to USDC exchange rate, which was last updated on Jun 21, 2023 at 01:34 UTC. What does the 1 BNB to USDC rate mean?

Does Binance still use USDC?

As Ryder noted, in recent months Binance has worked to phase out the use of USDC on its platform in exchange for its own stablecoin, BUSD. That means it converts USDC deposits on its platform to BUSD, and must convert them back to meet withdrawal requests.

What is Binance Defi/USDT?

Trading through the Binance DEFI/USDT which the exchange noted is a USDT-margined futures contract that uses USDT as collateral, users will be able to pick between 1-50x leverage. “The underlying asset of the DEFI Composite Index perpetual contract consists of a basket of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol tokens listed on Binance.

Is Binance making up the rules?

When you’re the world’s largest crypto exchange in a largely unregulated market, it is easy to make up the rules as you go. In its latest backroom maneuver, Binance transferred $1.8 billion in stablecoin collateral to hedge funds, including Alameda and Cumberland/DRW, leaving its other investors exposed.

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